Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Future of Ties

Many argue that the necktie is a dying dress practice. While some famous figures, such as President Obama, fail to see the significance of the tie, there are others that are fighting to keep it alive.

Personally, I don't think the necktie is going anywhere. This dress practice has been going for hundreds of years and isn't likely to stop now. I would argue that most men living in the United States own at least one tie, most of them owning many more than that.

Current trends suggest that the necktie is not necessary in all formal situations. Trends also suggest that ties can be used with casual dress of all kinds. If any changes do occur in this dress practice, I believe that it will continue along that same path on which it is set. Ties will become a staple for all men, not just those that attend formal or professional events. We will see neckties incorporated in many more casual settings.
As far as the style of the tie-- That is difficult to predict. The basic black tie has been popular for much of the last century. Though other styles will arise, I think that will always remain a classic option.

Retrieved from http://www.sodahead.com/fun/are-ties-going-the-way-of-the-top-hat/question-3115711/?link=ibaf&q=&esrc=s
The film, Back to the Future suggested that men would have a double necktie style. While I do find entertainment in this, I do not believe that this will be the case. As mentioned, tie itself has been called into question. I do not foresee any man or woman wanting to put themselves through twice the amount of work. 

Retrieved from http://inhabitat.com/iowa-state-photovoltaic-clothing/
Solar neckties have also been suggested. While the style may be questionable, I can see these being used in the future, simply because of the functionality and simplicity. Or order to learn more about the studies on solar panel clothing, please click HERE.

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