Monday, April 14, 2014

Individual and Conformity

Throughout this blog, the history and importance of the necktie has been discussed. The very early versions of the necktie, such as the ties of the Croats used in war times, had more functionality. However, in more recent times, the purpose of the tie has been to create a most aesthetically pleasing look, or to look more professional/ high class. 

Today in the United States, we hold such high value in uniqueness. Where it was once important to conform, the same standards no longer exist. The importance of behaving cultural norms is entirely dependent upon the setting and context. 

For example, as a clothing designer it may be better for an artist to wear more than the simple black tie. Most designers are known for pushing the limits, therefore this practice may be a hindrance to them.

On the flip side of the coin, suppose you to go the doctors to find your specialist wearing a gaudy tie. Not only would this grab your attention, but it may ultimately result as you seeing him as less credible. He may even loss patients if his credibility is questioned enough.

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