1. Endomorphic
This includes those that have a more rounded abdomen, with a focus on the digestive system.
There is a tendency of those in this category to have a love of comfort and luxury.
2. Mesomorphic
These people tend to be more muscular or large boned, with a focus on muscular and circulatory.
The personality here tends to be courageous, energetic, active, and dynamic.
3. Ectomorphic
The last group includes individuals that tend to be linear and slender, with a focus on the nervous system and brain.
The personality of these people tends to be artistic, sensitive, apprehensive, introvert.
Neckties are a unique article of clothing, as they are worn in all the different somatotypes. People with every types of body build and personality have been known to wear ties. As previously mentioned, ties are worn in a variety of social situations. Regardless of background and preferences, the majority of males will wear neckties as some point during their life.
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